Bihor-Vladeasa Mountains - Photos and videos

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[ Bihar-Vlegyásza ] - [ Muntii Bihor-Vladeasa ]

Recent photos

Humpleu cave - Bihor-Vladeasa
Humpleu cave - Bihor-Vladeasa (8th September 2009 - 54 photos)
Biserica Motului - Bihor-Vladeasa
Biserica Motului - Bihor-Vladeasa (5th August 2009 - 10 photos)
Alunului cave - Bihor-Vladeasa
Alunului cave - Bihor-Vladeasa (8th August 2008 - 15 photos)
Avenul din Dealul Secaturii pit - Bihor-Vladeasa
Avenul din Dealul Secaturii pit - Bihor-Vladeasa (26th September 2007 - 48 photos)
Barsa pit - Bihor-Vladeasa
Barsa pit - Bihor-Vladeasa (9th August 2007 - 24 photos)

Recent videos

Black Rocks iron path - Bihor Mountains
Black Rocks iron path - Bihor Mountains
Black Rocks is located in the Bihor Mountains, near the Vartop Saddle, to the west of it.
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