Bicaz Gorges - Photos and videos

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[ Békás-szoros ] - [ Cheile Bicazului ]

Recent photos

Flacara cave - Bicaz Gorges
Flacara cave - Bicaz Gorges (15th January 2015 - 20 photos)
Lapos creek waterfalls - Bicaz Gorges
Lapos creek waterfalls - Bicaz Gorges (22nd June 2014 - 16 photos)
Bardos peak - Bicaz Gorges
Bardos peak - Bicaz Gorges (24th May 2014 - 12 photos)
Fairy Garden in the summer - Bicaz Gorges
Fairy Garden in the summer - Bicaz Gorges (20th August 2011 - 10 photos)
Surducului Stone - Bicaz Gorges
Surducului Stone - Bicaz Gorges (6th June 2010 - 18 photos)
Bicajel Waterfall - Bicajel Gorges
Bicajel Waterfall - Bicajel Gorges (6th June 2010 - 10 photos)

Recent videos

Wild Ferenc iron path - Suhardul Mic
Wild Ferenc iron path - Suhardul Mic
While I climbed the new iron path mostly in the dark for the first time, this time I managed to explore it during the day.
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