Videos of nearby places
Black Rocks iron path - Bihor Mountains 37.15 km away
Black Rocks is located in the Bihor Mountains, near the Vartop Saddle, to the west of it. It is interesting that the locals (if I understood correctly) do not know this name, but use the name Piatra Buna (meaning Good Stone) for this spectacular rock.
Meziad cave - Padurea Craiului Mountains 66.39 km away
The Meziad Cave is located near the village of Meziad, 22 km north of Beius, in the Padurea Craiului Mountains. It is one of our first tourist caves, its exploration is associated with the name of Gyula Czárán, cave researcher and writer.
Crystal Cave at Farcu Mine 73.38 km away
In the Padurea Craiului Mountains, near Rosia, in the Farcu bauxite mine, in 1987, the miners accidentally discovered a cave. It was filled with crystal-shaped limestone formations.
Hodoaba Valley iron path - Suncuius 83.77 km away
The Hodoaba Valley iron path is Romania's shortest and easiest (official) via ferrata route. It is located near Suncuius, in the Padurea Craiului Mountains, on the left bank of the Crisul Repede River.
Hili cove iron path - Turda Gorges 85.36 km away
While the first time I climbed this via ferrata in the morning, now I climbed it in the light of the setting sun. The red-dressed rocks created a special atmosphere, and I could admire the sunset from the top of the climbing route.
Other places
Cherven, a medieval fortified town Bulgaria 386.39 km away
Located about 30 km south of the city of Ruse in Bulgaria, the Cherven medieval fortress can be found in the Rusenski Lom Nature Park. Originally a Byzantine fortification from the 6th century, it reached the height of its development in the 14th century.
Crystal Cave at Farcu Mine 73.38 km away
In the Padurea Craiului Mountains, near Rosia, in the Farcu bauxite mine, in 1987, the miners accidentally discovered a cave. It was filled with crystal-shaped limestone formations.
The Gorges of the Méouge Ribiers, Upper Alps 1338.88 km away
Following today's climb, I experienced the soothing pleasure of immersing myself in the turquoise waters of the Méouge creek, in the pond beneath a waterfall. If you find yourself in Sisteron or Grenoble, do not miss the opportunity to explore the magnificent Méouge valley near Ribiers.
Borov Kamak waterfall Zgorigrad, Vratsa 343.31 km away
The Vratsa eco-trail starts from the village of Zgorigrad, located 6 km from the city of Vratsa in Bulgaria, and ends at the Parshevitza hut. It is also known as the Zgorigradska or Borov Kamak eco-trail.
The Bear's Jump iron path Baia de Fier 137.34 km away
The Bear's Jump (in Romanian, Saritoarea Ursului) is a fantasy-named via ferrata that opened in May 2018 near Baia de Fier, alongside the Middle Spiral (in Romanian, Spirala Medie). Both routes begin from the G zone of the rock face that conceals the Muierilor Cave.