Search results: gorge photos and videos

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gorge photos

Natural bridge next to the Banita Stone Quarry
Natural bridge next to the Banita Stone Quarry (13th September 2015 - 12 photos)
Although the Banita Stone Bridge is not far from the road that passes through the village, it is located beyond the railway line, so its approach is a bit cumbersome. We can go around the railway line on Carierei Street, and then we have to walk a few meters from the stone quarry.
Intregalde Gorges - Trascau Mountains
Intregalde Gorges - Trascau Mountains (12th October 2018 - 24 photos)
Tureni Gorge iron path
Tureni Gorge iron path (1st October 2018 - 24 photos)
Banita Gorges - Banita
Banita Gorges - Banita (13th September 2015 - 16 photos)
The approximately 250 m long gorge, similar to the Corcoaia Gorge, is truly spectacular. According to assumptions, it was formed by the collapse of a cave passage ceiling, and then the erosion formed spectacular karst formations in the limestone.
Flacara cave - Bicaz Gorges
Flacara cave - Bicaz Gorges (15th January 2015 - 20 photos)
Via ferrata Cheile Turzii Gorges
Via ferrata Cheile Turzii Gorges (11th October 2014 - 24 photos)
Bratei Gorges - Bucegi Mountains
Bratei Gorges - Bucegi Mountains (2nd August 2014 - 8 photos)
Lapos creek waterfalls - Bicaz Gorges
Lapos creek waterfalls - Bicaz Gorges (22nd June 2014 - 16 photos)
Bardos peak - Bicaz Gorges
Bardos peak - Bicaz Gorges (24th May 2014 - 12 photos)
Cats Gorges - Curmatura alpine hut
Cats Gorges - Curmatura alpine hut (23rd November 2013 - 20 photos)
Cats Gorges - Gorges Valley - Curmatura alpine hut - Crapaturii Saddle.

gorge videos

Crivadia Gorges
Crivadia Gorges
The Crivadia Gorge is located next to the village of Crivadia, which belongs to Banita.
Banita Gorges and Banita rock bridge
Banita Gorges and Banita rock bridge
They say about this place that only very few people know about it, but that's not true.
Corcoaia Gorges - Gorj county
Corcoaia Gorges - Gorj county
The Corcoaia Gorge is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the Cerna Valley.
Hili cove iron path - Turda Gorges
Hili cove iron path - Turda Gorges
While the first time I climbed this via ferrata in the morning, now I climbed it in the light of the setting sun.
Rosina Klettersteig - Silberkarklamm, Ramsau am Dachstein
Rosina Klettersteig - Silberkarklamm, Ramsau am Dachstein
The Rosina Klettersteig is the most difficult via ferrata in the Silberkar gorge, has a D difficulty rating, and it is a vertical masterpiece.
Siega Klettersteig - Silberkarklamm, Ramsau am Dachstein
Siega Klettersteig - Silberkarklamm, Ramsau am Dachstein
The Siega Klettersteig, categorized as a C/D level of difficulty, is perhaps the least interesting of the three via ferratas in the Silberkarklamm gorge.
Hias Klettersteig - Silberkarklamm, Ramsau am Dachstein
Hias Klettersteig - Silberkarklamm, Ramsau am Dachstein
The Hias Klettersteig in the Silberkarklamm gorge is the first of the three via ferrata routes, and perhaps the easiest to complete.
Silberkarklamm - Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria
Silberkarklamm - Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria
One of the most beautiful hiking spots in the area of Ramsau am Dachstein, is the Silberkarklamm.
Aareschlucht - Meiringen-Innertkirchen, Switzerland
Aareschlucht - Meiringen-Innertkirchen, Switzerland
The Aareschlucht is a 1400-meter long, 200-meter deep gorge of the Aare river, near Innertkirchen, Switzerland.
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