Tourist attractions near Tisa (Halmagiu, Arad county, Romania)

Photos of nearby places

Sighistel Valley (Valea Sighistel)
Sighistel Valley (Valea Sighistel) (12 photos) 30.04 km away
Corobana Mica
Corobana Mica (3 photos) 31.94 km away
Poarta lui Ionel cave
Poarta lui Ionel cave (6 photos) 32.02 km away
Scarisoara cave
Scarisoara cave (41 photos) 32.65 km away
Bears Cave - Chiscau
Bears Cave - Chiscau (14 photos) 32.87 km away
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Videos of nearby places

Black Rocks iron path - Bihor Mountains
Black Rocks iron path - Bihor Mountains 29.43 km away
Black Rocks is located in the Bihor Mountains, near the Vartop Saddle, to the west of it. It is interesting that the locals (if I understood correctly) do not know this name, but use the name Piatra Buna (meaning Good Stone) for this spectacular rock.
Meziad cave - Padurea Craiului Mountains
Meziad cave - Padurea Craiului Mountains 56.33 km away
The Meziad Cave is located near the village of Meziad, 22 km north of Beius, in the Padurea Craiului Mountains. It is one of our first tourist caves, its exploration is associated with the name of Gyula Czárán, cave researcher and writer.
Crystal Cave at Farcu Mine
Crystal Cave at Farcu Mine 62.85 km away
In the Padurea Craiului Mountains, near Rosia, in the Farcu bauxite mine, in 1987, the miners accidentally discovered a cave. It was filled with crystal-shaped limestone formations.
Hodoaba Valley iron path - Suncuius
Hodoaba Valley iron path - Suncuius 74.93 km away
The Hodoaba Valley iron path is Romania's shortest and easiest (official) via ferrata route. It is located near Suncuius, in the Padurea Craiului Mountains, on the left bank of the Crisul Repede River.
Vadu Crisului cave
Vadu Crisului cave 78.25 km away
The Vadu Crisului Cave, with a total length of over 1000 meters, is located in the picturesque gorge of Crisul Repede creek. It consists of a gently meandering, long passage that features an active, stream level next to an upper, fossil level in its first section.

Other places

Devetashka cave Devetaki 383.61 km away
The Devetashka Cave is located in Bulgaria, near the village of Devetaki. After the entrance portal, which measures 30 m by 35 m, there is a vast open chamber that is 110 meters wide and 359 meters long.
Siklós castle 331.26 km away
The Siklós Castle is an important historical landmark in Hungary, its fortress walls were laid around 1260, with the first written record dating back to 1294. The fortification, built on a low elevation, features an inner tower, an irregular floor plan, and consists of both an outer and an inner fortress.
Blasted Rock (Piatra Puscata) hanging path Cerna Valley 137.63 km away
The Blasted Rock hanging path is located on the geographical right bank of the Cerna River, near the confluence of the Iuta stream, approximately 20 km from Baile Herculane. In this area, the presence of limestone formations has caused the valley to become narrower.
Giant fir trees Ghimes 262.3 km away
One of the lesser-known attractions of Ghimes is the two giant-sized common fir trees. They are 42 meters tall, and have diameters of 110 cm and 130 cm at chest height.
The Bear's Jump iron path Baia de Fier 151.17 km away
The Bear's Jump (in Romanian, Saritoarea Ursului) is a fantasy-named via ferrata that opened in May 2018 near Baia de Fier, alongside the Middle Spiral (in Romanian, Spirala Medie). Both routes begin from the G zone of the rock face that conceals the Muierilor Cave.
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