Videos of nearby places
Rudariei watermills - Eftimie Murgu 26.06 km away
I have visited the twenty-two wooden water mills with horizontal wheels, located in the valley of the Rudaria stream, mostly in the rain and under an umbrella. Some of them are still in use today.
Blasted Rock (Piatra Puscata) hanging path - Cerna Valley 62.06 km away
The Blasted Rock hanging path is located on the geographical right bank of the Cerna River, near the confluence of the Iuta stream, approximately 20 km from Baile Herculane. In this area, the presence of limestone formations has caused the valley to become narrower.
Corcoaia Gorge - Gorj county 75.55 km away
The Corcoaia Gorge is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the Cerna Valley. It can be reached by car, 43 km away from Baile Herculane, of which about 17 km is on a dusty gravel road.
Other places
Stan Valley Canyon in winter 226.77 km away
The Stan Valley is a picturesque canyon, even in winter. In fact, when the stream is frozen and covered with a layer of snow, exploring the canyon becomes much quicker and easier.
Waterfalls of Velnita stone-quarry Targu Ocna 401.79 km away
Starting from the Velnita quarry, an adventurous nature enthusiast, accustomed to wild and rugged terrains, will discover a true waterfall paradise. At the upper part of the quarry, two streams converge.
Lookout Kis-Tubes Western Mecsek 307.55 km away
The lookout platform at Kis-Tubes, located at an altitude of 577 meters, was built in 1959, and offers a magnificent panorama of Pécs at the foot of the hills. The concrete lookout, situated on the western side of the Kis-Tubes peak along the ridge connecting Misina to Tubes, was designed by Tibor Kiss.