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Crivadia Gorges 44.8 km away
The Crivadia Gorge is located next to the village of Crivadia, which belongs to Banita. Access is difficult, and the hike is made through the streambed, with water up to the waist at its narrowest point.
Banita Gorges and Banita rock bridge 52.7 km away
They say about this place that only very few people know about it, but that's not true. In fact, most nature lovers have heard of it, seen pictures taken here, even if not everyone has been able to come here.
Corcoaia Gorge - Gorj county 53.11 km away
The Corcoaia Gorge is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the Cerna Valley. It can be reached by car, 43 km away from Baile Herculane, of which about 17 km is on a dusty gravel road.
Other places
The Gorges of the Méouge Ribiers, Upper Alps 1334.3 km away
Following today's climb, I experienced the soothing pleasure of immersing myself in the turquoise waters of the Méouge creek, in the pond beneath a waterfall. If you find yourself in Sisteron or Grenoble, do not miss the opportunity to explore the magnificent Méouge valley near Ribiers.
The Bear's Jump iron path Baia de Fier 96.4 km away
The Bear's Jump (in Romanian, Saritoarea Ursului) is a fantasy-named via ferrata that opened in May 2018 near Baia de Fier, alongside the Middle Spiral (in Romanian, Spirala Medie). Both routes begin from the G zone of the rock face that conceals the Muierilor Cave.
Dyavolski Most (Devil's Bridge) Ardino 485.11 km away
The Devil's Bridge (Dyavolski Most, in Turkish Sheytan Kyupriya) is located in the gorge of the Arda River, just north of the town of Ardino in Bulgaria. It was constructed in the early 16th century, between 1515 and 1518, by an architect named Dimitar, on the remains of an earlier Roman bridge.