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Featured photos

Corbu Beach
Corbu Beach (21st August 2007 - 54 photos)
Czofronka (Ciofronca) - Hasmas Mountains
Czofronka (Ciofronca) - Hasmas Mountains (19th November 2011 - 24 photos)
Deubels Weg - Piatra Craiului Mountains
Deubels Weg - Piatra Craiului Mountains (5th September 2005 - 36 photos)
Plaiul Foii - La Zaplaz - Grind pass.
Izvorul Muntelui - Dochia - Toaca Peak
Izvorul Muntelui - Dochia - Toaca Peak (29th May 2005 - 24 photos)
Duruitoarea waterfall - Ceahlau Mountains
Duruitoarea waterfall - Ceahlau Mountains (20th July 2004 - 5 photos)

Featured videos

Sky Walk, Suspension Bridge, Stairway to Nothingness - Dachstein
Sky Walk, Suspension Bridge, Stairway to Nothingness - Dachstein
The Dachstein cable car took me up to a height of 2700 meters, to the highest mountain in Styria, the Dachstein. A fabulous natural environment unfolded before me, with panoramic views of the Austrian peaks.
Via ferrata Adventure Climb Varmost - Italia
Via ferrata Adventure Climb Varmost - Italia
I participated in a joint, Szekler-Italian 'military exercise' on the Adventure Climb Varmost via ferrata. :-) The iron climbing route is located in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, in the Carnic Alps, and it leads up to the summit of Clap Varmost above Forni di Sopra.
Snow-covered valley of Balea and the Transfagarasan in winter - The ascent
Snow-covered valley of Balea and the Transfagarasan in winter - The ascent
The Fagarasi Mountains can be easily approached from the north, mainly by using the Transfagarasan Road. This road is only accessible during the summer months (throughout its entire length), but from the Balea Waterfall station (Statia Balea Cascada) you can also reach the Balea Lake by cable car.
Mammuthöhle - Dachstein Salzkammergut, Austria
Mammuthöhle - Dachstein Salzkammergut, Austria
The first station of the Dachstein Krippenstein cable car, which starts in Obertraun, in the southern part of Lake Hallstatt, is Schönbergalm. Here you can find the Ice Cave and the Mammoth Cave.
Small Via ferrata - Rasnoavei Gorges
Small Via ferrata - Rasnoavei Gorges
In the past few days, it has snowed, so I climbed the two climbing routes in the Rasnoavei Gorge under winter conditions. While the lower part of the challenging Big via ferrata was dry, the upper section had patches of snow and icicles.
Billy-goat lake, Closed Gates - Retezat Mountains
Billy-goat lake, Closed Gates - Retezat Mountains
The most unique ridge trail of the Retezat Mountains is the Closed Gates.Below, at an altitude of 2070 m above sea level, is the Billy-goat lake.
L'Escale á Peille iron path - Alpes-Maritimes, France
L'Escale á Peille iron path - Alpes-Maritimes, France
One of the challenging via ferratas in the Maritime Alps is the L'Escale a Peille. One of its elements is a steel cobweb, where you can feel like you're hanging in the air.
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"Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time."
When venturing into the great outdoors, it is not only important to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also to leave minimal impact. The principles of Leave No Trace provide valuable guidelines for outdoor enthusiasts to follow, ensuring that natural areas remain preserved for future generations.

One fundamental principle is to plan ahead and prepare. Before setting off, conduct thorough research to understand the area's regulations, weather, and terrain. This way, you'll be equipped with the necessary knowledge and gear, reducing the risk of harm to both yourself and the environment.

Traveling and camping on durable surfaces is another crucial aspect of Leave No Trace. Stick to established trails and campsites, as trampling vegetation can disrupt fragile ecosystems. By treading lightly, you'll help preserve the natural beauty, that drew you to the area in the first place.

Proper waste disposal is a non-negotiable principle. Always carry out, what you carry in, leaving no trace of your visit. Pack all trash, including food scraps, and dispose of it in designated areas. If you encounter waste left behind by others, do your part by picking it up, and disposing of it properly as well.

To minimize the use and impact of fire, follow guidelines from park and forest. Use fire rings, keep fires small, completely extinguishing them before leaving the area. Use portable stoves to minimize ecological impact and preserve landscapes for future generations.

Respecting wildlife is essential to maintaining ecological balance. Observe animals from a distance, avoiding any interference with their natural behavior. Feeding wildlife may harm their health and disrupt their natural food sources. Remember, you are a guest in their home, so treat them with the utmost respect.

To minimize your impact, it is crucial to leave nature as you found it. Avoid removing plants, rocks or other natural objects as souvenirs. Respect historical or cultural sites, by refraining from touching or removing anything. By leaving these cultural treasures intact, you allow others to experience their beauty and historical value.

Be considerate of others, respect fellow visitors and the environment. By practicing good trail etiquette, such as yielding to others, packing out trash, and minimizing noise, we can create a more enjoyable and sustainable experience for everyone, while protecting the natural beauty we have come to appreciate.

Lastly, the key to Leave No Trace is being mindful of your actions and their potential consequences. Enjoy the natural beauty around you, but do so responsibly. Leave No Trace principles are not limited to the wilderness. They can be applied anywhere, from city parks to beachside getaways.

By following these principles, you can contribute to the preservation of our environment for generations to come. Embrace the Leave No Trace mindset, and share these principles with fellow adventurers. Together, we can enjoy the outdoors, while leaving minimal impact to the planet where we live. [ Top ↑ ]
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